简介: A group of aliens has come to Earth to learn about its population, customs, etc. To avoid detection, they have taken on human form which gives them
简介:该剧由Chris Kelly和Sarah Schneider创作、撰写并制片,Lorne Michaels参与制片。故事描述一个29岁的年轻演员(Drew Tarver)对自己的前途感到十分郁闷——他有出色的演技,本该前途无量,可为什么他只能报名试镜《在聚会上闻臭屁的男人》(Man At Party
简介:Set in the 24th century and decades after the adventures of the original crew of the starship Enterprise, this new series is the long-awaited successo
简介: 青春充满着无限的可能,年少的我们都为热血的体育着迷过,我们为自己喜爱的队伍呐喊,为耀眼的胜利而欢呼,为无奈的失败而流泪。我们长大了,但我们依然舍不掉那份存在心底为体育而跳动的心。本剧改编自同名热门电影《Friday Night Lights》,以德克萨斯州一个美丽的小镇Dillon为中心,这里深