简介: The film follows Ava, a young bank professional who is devastated when her husband Dallas abandons a marriage she is determined to fight for. But th
简介: 故事设定在“猿流感”病毒蔓延全球的背景下,人类几近毁灭,而进化为高级智慧生物的猿类一跃成为食物链顶端的王者。时移世异,暴虐的猿类首领赛撒(凯文·杜兰 Kevin Durand 饰)在一片废墟中建立起猿族历史上的第一个帝国——“猩球”崛起,这是世界新秩序诞生的黎明时分。神秘的人类女孩诺娃(弗蕾娅·
简介:The summer before she goes away to college, Tamara encounters a girl with a scar on her chest. As the summer winds on, she finds herself increasingly