简介: 九岁的小男孩米歇尔(乔瑟培·克里斯提亚诺 Giuseppe Cristiano饰)一日在玩耍的时候,无意间发现了地穴里的一个秘密。他惊讶的发现在这口地穴中囚禁着一个与他年纪相仿的金发男孩菲利普(马悌亚·狄·皮耶 Mattia Di Pierro饰),他被铁铐牢牢地锁着,弱小而无助。被震惊了的米歇
简介: Abandoned by his father at the age of five and raised in near isolation by a loving, yet emotionally unstable and over-protective mother, the only l
简介: 前东德最好的一部超现实主义幻想剧! this is one of the most amazing looking,surreal films of all time and i only recently acquired it on video.it was just as good af