简介: 艾利(约翰·C·赖利 John C. Reilly 饰)和查理(华金·菲尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix 饰)是一对杀手兄弟,某日,他们接到了一项任务,去暗杀一名淘金者。于是,两个男人火速从俄勒冈前往旧金山,一路上,两个人遇到的麻烦可不少,但他们凭借着智慧和勇气将它们一一化解,最终安全的抵
简介: In a complex tale of interweaving relationships, a Greek immigrant in London explores the meaning of what it is to love and heal. Poised follows the
简介: Justine Juel Gillmer(《地球百子》《荒原》)编写剧本,基于哈夫特之子Alan Scott Haft写作的书籍《Harry Haft: Survivor Of Auschwitz, Challenger Of Rocky Marciano》,讲述一个男人在奥斯维辛集中营被迫与狱
简介: Set in Nigeria, Oloture is the story of a young, naive Nigerian journalist who goes undercover to expose the shady underworld of human trafficking.