简介: Russian operatives hijack a commercial American jet, planning to crash it into a nuclear power plant near Washington, D.C. resulting in fallout that
简介: Arrowhead is an interstellar Jekyll and Hyde, a survival story of a stranded mercenary who discovers the deadliest creature on the seemingly planet
简介: 青年奥德·托马斯(安东·叶利钦 Anton Yelchin 饰)生活在加利福尼亚某个僻静小镇,当年母亲错把Todd登记成Odd(怪人),以致于他也被人称为怪咖托马斯。不过这个称号对他来说也算实至名归,因为托马斯能够看到幽灵,他时常为蒙受不白之冤的怨灵追查凶手,也由此和警长怀特·波特(威廉·达福