简介: 尼基(威尔·史密斯 Will Smith 饰)是一位经验非常丰富的诈骗犯,和他搭档的是名叫杰斯(玛歌特·罗比 Margot Robbie 饰)的女扒手,两人在专业知识上互通有无,彼此之间结下了深厚的友谊。当他们之间的感情逐渐突破了单纯和合作关系后,尼基为了保全自己的事业,毅然决然的甩掉了杰斯。
简介: 影片根据加拿大作家Jane Rule创作的小说“Desert of the Heart”改编而成,背景设置于美国许多地方不允许离婚的1950年代。主人公之一是35岁的英文教授薇薇安,她为了离婚来到法律相对宽容的内华达州雷诺市,暂住在一间农场为离婚官司和流程做准备。严肃的薇薇安因此结识了农场主弗兰
简介: A listless young man, upon learning he is ill, leaves his job, girlfriend and city behind, and ventures alone into the British Columbia interior, br
简介: An impassive young girl is taken from her suicidal London life, back to her home in North England on a bizarre bus trip. Seen through the poetic eye
简介: Gwyneth Hayden has it all. A top-notch career, killer wardrobe, dream apartment, and great friends - she thinks the only thing missing is a man. In